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Geo’s Quest Box Set Commodore Amiga

£19.99 Ex. VAT

Geo’s Quest series is a loose parody of the Commodore story told in a humorous, satirical and absurd humorous way following the main character, George Angus. There are 9 chapters in the story of which 5 are included in the box set. (Chapter 6 “There be Cows” is currently in development and an LHA of the Chapter and PDF Chapter Manual will be sent to the purchaser upon completion – anticipated date early 2025.) This is a truly retro series developed on Amigas for Amigas. All coding, Graphics, Animations, Music, Sounds, Text, even the Manuals were developed on an A1200 and A600, in glorious 320 x 200, 32 Color Low Res. Using AMOS, Gr.A.C.2, Personal Paint, OctaMed, Amigawriter, AmiPDF and various utilities.

The entire endeavor is the work of one person Paul Golian who started in 2000, was shelved in 2002 and then 20 years later upon retirement resurrected culminating to these first 5 chapters.

Included in the Box Set you find the following:

  • Game CD with both GQ2 “In Search of Queen Lorraine” & GQ3 “Gateway to Nowhere (part 1)” in both NTSC & PAL versions (GQ2 has 1 version for both) and Game Manuals in PDF format.

  • Game SD with both GQ2 “In Search of Queen Lorraine” & GQ3 “Gateway to Nowhere (part 1)” in both NTSC & PAL versions (GQ2 has 1 version for both) and Game Manuals in PDF format.

  • Printed Color Glossy Game Manuals for both Games.

  • Printed Color Glossy Game Maps for both Games.


This game comes on physical media.


What You Need to Play

An Amiga, Emulated Amiga with 2.0 + ROM, 2MB Chip Ram with a minimum 1.65MB Free and 36MB Free Hard Drive Space for both games. It is recommended to use an accelerated Amiga (‘020 or greater) for a smoother game play experience.


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Heretic II Amiga Game (Heretic 2) AmigaOS 4.1
Heretic II Amiga game for AmigaOS 4 is the highly acclaimed conceptual sequel to the Hexen and Heretic series by Raven Software ®. Heretic II relies on a tweaked version of the Quake IITM engine by Id Software ® and plays from a behind-the-back third-person perspective as in the Tomb Raider series but still controls a lot like a first-person shooter. In Heretic II you play Corvus, the Elf who was exiled to the Outer Worlds but managed to find his way back home. Unfortunately, home is not the place it used to be: the land is beset by a dark magical plague and Corvus' brethren have mutated beyond recognition and have become insane with bloodlust. Enter Corvus, our hero. Raven Software have invested enormous effort in the animation of Corvus who has to run, jump, swim, climb and creep his way through myriad locations, solving puzzles and invoking magic while fighting off cursed inhabitants. Corvus is however at his best when he has to fight and quite an arsenal he has got too. His main weapon is his sword-staff which he uses in a variety of ways (including pole-vaulting). Then there's his magical arsenal: a dazzling array of magic spells including fire- and lightning-based attacks that light up the screen with stunning pyrotechnics. On top of that he has his Hellstaff which fires energy blasts at a furious rate, the Storm Bow, whose magical red arrows create deadly thunder showers and the Phoenix Bow with its exploding ammunition. One of the main attractions of Heretic II is the use it makes of Id's Quake II ® engine. The game is set in a huge, immersive gameworld characterised by meticulously detailed and realistically rendered architecture. Level design too is flawless with levels large, cohesive and intuitively structured with the occasional breath-taking in-game cutscene thrown in for good measure. Other game features include multiplayer action, a drop camera, stationary look-abouts with MouseView and formidable enemy AI. Conclusion: Heretic II is one game you just can't afford to miss. Features
  • Features Quake IITM 3D engine by Id Software ® using OpenGL
  • MiniGL(Warp3D), GL4ES (Warp3DNova) and Software Renderer
  • Both GL Renderers with Multitexturing
  • CD Audio with Game Music (also playable through ISO-mounting, CD does not need to be in Drive while playing)
  • Localization (both Text and Audio-Output) to English, German, French, Italian and Spanish
  • Improved Quality of Video Intro/Extro
  • High Resolutions (1920x1080 and 4K Resolutions) added
  • Multiplayer Support (internet or LAN up to 32 players)
  • Formidable Enemy AI
  • Outstanding player controls (mouse, keyboard, joystick) using Amiga Input
  • Expandable with new mission packs like Quake
Technical Requirements
  • AmigaOS ® 4.1 or higher
  • PPC (x1000/x5000, Sam, QEmu or older PPC Hardware like Peg2/Classic/A1, no support for A1222 currently)
  • 64 MB minimum, more recommended
  • 3D acceleration supported through Warp3D/Warp3DNova (OpenGL)
  • Soundcards supported through AHI
  • 4x CD ROM (only needed for game installation)
  • 400 MB free hard drive space
Original price was: £44.16.Current price is: £33.33. Ex. VAT Add to basket