Buddha Plus One IDE Controller Commodore Amiga

£83.33 Ex. VAT

Buddha Plus One IDE Controller for Commodore Amiga with zorro slots (2023 version) is a IDE controller for Amiga computers with Zorro slots (Amiga A2000, A3000, A4000 CheckMate 1500 Plus with Zorro interface) and provides you connectivity for hard drives,CD-Rom Drives, DVD Drives (both readers and writers), and of course CF cards and SSD with PATA interfaces..

Buddha Plus One features:

  • Two IDE ports
  • One CF card slot
  • 1Mb of Fast Ram
  • GUI-based settings tool
  • Elaborate LED concept
  • High Speed
  • Multiple measures to prevent wrong installations

The two IDE ports and the CF card slot are non-conflicting. This means that you can use up to five mass-storage devices at the same time, and if that’s not enough, you can add more Buddha controllers to the same computer!

Added memory

While the combination of a mass-storage controller and memory on the same card is not a new invention, the 1MByte of true 0-wait state fast memory of the Buddha Plus One controller does not conflict with existing memory cards. If you are expanding a system that has already maxed out it’s 8MByte of Z2 space (no matter if it’s fastmem, a PC bridge card or RTG graphics), Buddha Plus One will still add 1MByte of memory, without using any of the precious Z2 expansion space. A2000 users can choose to map the memory to one out of two addresses: The legacy “trapdoor memory” address $c0.0000, where it adds compatibility with old software titles (especially for machines that have been expanded to 1MByte or 2MBytes of chip ram), or to the normally-unused address space at $a0.0000. A3000 and A4000 users can only use address $a0.0000. Memory is not available if installed in a Zorro expansion of an A1200.

Robust against installation errors

Buddha Plus One has a long heritage and we’ve learned from numerous support cases of the past decades that in the heat of the moment, you may accidentally plug in the card the wrong way round. For the first time in Amiga history, we’re presenting mechanical and electrical measures to either prevent wrong installation, or to keep the controller safe from harm if you manage to plug in the card the wrong way round. Just flip the card around and it’ll work as if nothing bad ever happened.

Easy configuration

While previous versions of the Buddha controller could only be controlled with command line tools, Buddha Plus One introduces a GUI that is provided in the ROM of the controller, so no software installation and/or download is required. This GUI will even work with Kickstart V1.3!

Elaborate LED concept

The original Amiga computers only have a single HD LED. Buddha Plus One will unite all access-LEDs (including onboard IDE/SCSI accesses) into a single one without soldering or complicated configuration steps. Two LED cables are included with Buddha Plus One, making LED wiring easy without soldering, and without the need to drill holes for additional LEDs into precious original cases. The LED output will automatically sense how many LEDs there are in a row (one in case of A2000/A4000 or two in case of the A3000), and the LED input of Buddha Plus One will accept any polarity.

Quick boot support

The Amiga can start blazingly fast. Amiga users are so used to having a usable desktop within seconds after switching on that every single additional second is already a reason to be worried. Buddha Plus One gives the user various options to skip unnecessary wait times: The maximum time that Buddha will wait for a drive to spin up can be set in the graphical startup menu. Unused ports can be switched off, and if you have an onboard IDE/SCSI controller that you’re not using any more, it can also be switched off in the Buddha Plus One configuration, saving several ten seconds of boot time.

Improved speed

Let’s face it: Buddha has never been a speed demon. The Z2 bus with it’s 7MHz and 16 bits has it’s limits, and that’s in the neighbourhood of 2.3MBytes/second, measured with a medium-speed 68020 or 68030 CPU. However, there’s two special cases where Buddha Plus One adds significant transfer speed: First, an un-accelerated A2000 would struggle to reach 800KBytes/s with a 7MHz 68000 CPU on previous versions of the Buddha controller. Buddha Plus One now adds hardware acceleration that improves transfer rates with 68000 CPUs by about 35%. Buddha Plus One with a 7MHz CPU beats the “magical” 1MByte/second barrier by a large margin. The second special configuration where Buddha Plus One can add speed is in the Z4 board for an A1200 computer. Z4 boards are also known as “Elbox Z4” or “Winner Z4” Boards, and they sport a “Fast-Z2” mode that can add up to 50% to measurable transfer speed. We recommend to only activate this mode if only CF cards or DOMs are used. Stability with long IDE cables may not be given.

Extended software installation

Buddha Plus One comes with a DOM (disk-on-module) pre-installed. This DOM contains our automatic partition/install tool and licensed copies of Amiga OS 1.3, 2.1 and 3.1. Partitioning and installing a CF card or hard drive has never been easier! Even if you have lost your OS installation floppies or your floppy drive is defective, you can bring your Amiga to life within minutes. If a CD ROM drive is found, drivers and file system are also automatically installed, letting you install more software or Amiga OS V3.2 from CD (Amiga OS3.2 is available separately in this shop). If there is any version of the X-Surf networking card in your computer, you can continue to install a TCP/IP stack and network GUI. This will break the vicious circle of having to transfer software to the Amiga in order to install a transfer method for software.

What’s included:

  • Buddha Plus One
  • LED extension 24cm
  • LED connection cable 24cm
  • Instruction manual (English/German)




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  • Officially supported in the Linux-m68k kernel
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  • Local expansion port for our high-speed USB module "RapidRoad"
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  • Sufficient RAM and 68020 CPU or higher
  • Kickstart/Workbench 2.0 or higher
  • File transfer method for drivers to be transferred to the Amiga
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  • Instruction sheet
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  • 68060 running at 50/75/100MHz (CPU heatsink and fan high recommended with a REV 6 CPU) LC/EC variants 50Mhz is suggested.
  • 128 MB of DMA Fast RAM.
  • Temperature and voltage monitoring via I²C.
  • Overclocking capability up to 100 MHz with full 68060 Rev. 6 CPUs ONLY with heatsink and fan (we don't offer support for overclocking or damage).
  • Onboard 5V header to connect the optional CPU fan.
  *A3000T is very picky and has not been tested, so if being used with an A3000T the card is sold as seen. Installation guide here [hr]   For every BFG9060 sold we donate a percentage of the sale to Matthias Heinrichs to support further developments and we also support our builders.   *A3000T is very picky and has not been tested, so if being used with an A3000T the card is sold as seen. [space_40]
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Indivision AGA MK3 Flickerfixer for A1200 and A4000T
Indivision AGA MK3 for the A1200 and A4000T* (Not A4000D Desktop) providing both a VGA connection or HDMI so you have the flexibility of using a CRT/LCD PC monitor with VGA or a large TV with HDMI in. All Amiga screen modes are supported and can be sent to a digital or analogue monitor at almost any frame rate (with the exception of A2024 monitor modes). Either using standard VESA modes or using custom output frequencies and size at the user's choice. Even custom screen modes like HighGFX can be used. Workbench resolutions of 1280x1024 pixels are possible without buying a dedicated graphics card. Indivision AGA Mk3 is plugged over the Lisa chip and a second connection over the CIA chip to route keyboard signals to the flicker fixer. You can now make small adjustments to the output picture format including positioning and resizing of the output picture without the need to load the configuration tool. You can simply open the on screen menu using a hot-key combination make adjustments with the keyboard or mouse and then exit this live configuration menu, all this without leaving the game or demo that's currently running. Output screen modes can be saved "per input screen mode", so you can adjust your favourite Workbench resolution perfectly, while not affecting the settings you've chosen for PAL and NTSC games. Settings are saved in the flash of the flicker fixer, so they survive a reboot and/or power-cycle of the computer this allows you to "zap" through pre-sets that are ideal for a specific game or demo. With this you can adjust on the fly different settings for the built-in scanline effect, or you can compare the scaling capabilities of your monitor with the new built-in scaler of Indivision AGA MK3. The Indivision also has automatic monitor recognition, the configuration tool can detect what size of monitor is connected and make suggestions for ideal output frequencies that are within the specifications of the monitor. This reduces the "first setup" to a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds if you're using one of the pre-sets for popular display panel sizes that we provide.   What's included:
  1. Indivision AGA Mk3 for A1200/A4000T(*)
  2. Adapter board for high-definition digital (HDMI) and VGA output
  3. Adapter board for CIA chip
  4. Connection cables between all boards
  5. Short instructions
In addition, you will require:
  1. Screwdriver to open your computer
  2. A way to transfer the configuration tool (free download from our wiki)
  3. HighGFX software package from Aminet (free download for higher Workbench resolutions)
    (*)This flickerfixer will not fit into an A4000T out-of-the-box. Component CE164C gets in the way of the output cable connector and must be replaced with a lower-profile version prior to installing the flickerfixer. We recommend to do this before you order the product.   Note: ** We don't support or advise the use of the Meanwell PSU or its variants unless its an original Amiga PSU l that has been recapped (better), AT PSU or the CA-PSU. The primary reason is the PSU is the heart of the Amiga and reading the Individual Computers forum, the PSU is the 2nd item to question if there are issues. The number one issue is the socket on the Indivision is not pushed down enough as it does require a lot of pressure. Full explanation regarding the PSU is here   If you have any questions just contact us   Pictures vary, PCB colour is purple.
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