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Amiga 600 Gotek Drive, CLEAR/TRANSPARENT Mount, OLED Display and FlashFloppy

£34.99 Ex. VAT

Amiga 600 Gotek drive is a great replacement for your failing Amiga 600 floppy drive or you wish to simply replace it with a Gotek drive. These are plug and play in that you simply remove your existing floppy drive and replace it with this unit (you use your existing bracket). 3 new screws will also be supplied to secure the Gotek drive to your Amiga.

You will need a USB memory stick (NOT included) with your loaded ADF files.

What are ADF files?

ADF files is the standard Amiga Disk Format for floppy disk images. no different to Sega or Nintendo roms, ADF’s are images of Amiga floppy disk games. Not only could you have access to a huge back catalogue of retro Amiga games, but there are still brand new games being released today, for example: Raid over Moscow or Bridge Strike these are all available as ADF files. But you not limited to games or programs, but you have access to tons of Amiga demos (if your into that scene).

What are gotek drives in detail? Read here

What is FlashFloppy check out this link

Want to know even more about them, checkout’s review of them here

Also checkout one of our favorite youtube streamers TheGebs24 and her views on the Gotek drive!


SKU: 1200GOM-CLEAR-2 Category: Tags: , , ,