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Refurbished Atari 1040 STE
Refurbished Atari 1040 STE.
Technical Specifications- Motorola 68000 (8Mhz) CPU
- 512Kb Ram (Standard)
- 3.5" Floppy Drive
- UK Layout Keyboard
- TOS V1.62
- Full Keyboard check.
- Floppy drive read and write test.
- Sound checked.
- Video checked.
- Case and keyboard is stripped and deep cleaned.
- 10K pull up resistor network to the DMA databus.
- 1772 Pull up Resistors added.
- STE Video Ghosting Fix Applied.
- STE Reset fix 22uF added across C100.
- Bus resistors replaced with 2.2k resistor arrays.
- TOS Upgrades.
- RAM upgrades
- Internal Gotek Drives