PiStorm600 Amiga A600 Adaptor
PiStorm600 Adaptor for Amiga A600
PiStorm600 for the Amiga A600 is an adaptor in which you plug in either a Raspberry Pi Model 3A+ or *Raspberry Pi Zero Model 2 (both not included) this provides a budget CPU accelerator for the Amiga 600. Also included is a file-based SCSI device, RTG graphics and several other optional enhancements. Only the Pi 3-series is compatible with the current firmware version and only the Pi Model 3A+ and Raspberry Pi Zero Model 2 will physically fit in the A600 without modification and you can optionally support the PiStorm600 using M2.5 standoffs to help physically support it which are available as an option below.
Key Features
  • Emulate 68010,68020,68030,68040,68060 Processors with or without FPU
  • 128Mb Fastram.
  • File-based SCSI device.
  • RTG graphics from the Pi itself.
Powering the A600/PiStorm It is possible if you have a weak PSU or the Amiga 600 has not been recapped you may see instability issues as with any accelerator, you have a few options all of which are available below, If your using a Pi Zero2 then it is unlikely you will need to apply additional power. A Pi 3A+ can consume more power, but this is not often an issue until you start connecting USB devices, you have a few options below:
  • You can add extra power via a floppy power connector splitter (available below) which is a new cable which splits the floppy power to power both your internal floppy drive and the PiStorm via its built in Molex connector (DO NOT ADD POWER OTHER THAN FROM THE AMIGA ITSELF OR TRY AND USE IT TO POWER OTHER DEVICES).
  • Make sure your Amiga has been recapped, we offer 2 options Standard and Premium.
  • Purchase a new Amiga PSU of which we also offer 2 versions, A600 Standard PSU or A600 Boost PSU which also as a 5VDC line adjustment to give a perfect 5 Volts to the Amiga 600.
We always suggest recapping in the first instance as tired caps can cause other issues like poor sound or prevent the Amiga booting up.   [hr]     NOTE: PiStorm600 is a community project and will require some knowledge of the Amiga. Hardware which comes with a 1 year RTB warranty. hints and tips are available via the following Discord channel https://discord.com/invite/j6rPtzxaNW Also this product is still in BETA and while compatibility is very high, updates are always being released to increase compatibility with software and games. We support developers by donating a percentage of sales, the PiStorm A600 adaptors are professionally manufactured and are RoHS compliant. This project was designed by Lemaru
*Using the Raspberry Pi Zero Model 2 is possible as mentioned but you do lose a little in performance.
£49.99 Ex. VAT Read more