Amiga OS 3.2
AmigaOS 3.2 CD-ROM Package for ALL Commodore Amigas
AmigaOS 3.2 CD-ROM for all Commodore Amiga's which includes:
  • A500 / A500 Plus
  • A600
  • A1000
  • A1200
  • A2000 / A1500
  • A3000 / A3000T
  • A4000 / A4000T
  • CDTV
AmigaOS 3.2 CD-Rom contains all disks and AmigaOS Kickstart ROMs so these can be transferred to real floppy disks or Gotek drives. The kickstarts can be used in any emulation environment like WINUAE or if your accelerator card has a MapRom feature, the kickstart Roms can be used with that function also. We also offer burning of AmigaOS 3.2 kickstart's to EPROMS if you want physical kickstart roms. This allows the Amiga user to install AmigaOS 3.2 on many different Amigas at the same time without having to purchasing any additional licences. AmigaOS 3.2 CD-ROM contents can be copied "as is" to an Amiga formatted hard drive and booted right away for installation thanks to the "Amiga Preinstallation Environment" (AmigaPE), we also offer pre-installed CF Cards. This is truly the ultimate package!

Some of AmigaOS 3.2 features

  • ReAction GUI toolkit integration
  • Built-in ADF (Amiga disk file image) management
  • Integrated Help subsystem
  • Updated Data Type system
  • Workbench and other user interface improvements
  • Improved Tools, Utilities and System applications
  • Enhanced Shell behavior
  • New and reworked command set
  • Touched up Preferences
  • Polished MultiView
  • Revamped Commodities
  • Expanded BootMenu
  • Inclusion and refinement of the AmigaOS 3.1.4 feature set
  • Flexible delivery media
  • Many more features to be listed

Minimum hardware requirements

  • Kickstart ROM 3.2 (recommended), 3.1.4 , or older 3.1
  • 2 MB of total memory. Total memory is calculated by adding Chip RAM and Fast RAM. Consider an additional half megabyte if you are not using a physical Kickstart ROM 3.2.
  • 10 MB of free hard disk space.

AmigaOS 3.2.1 (Released December 2021)

Don't forget to register your copy on the Hyperon Website, once you do you can download the AmigaOS 3.2.1 update free of charge. Below are some of the highlights:

Here are the highlights of the new features and fixes of AmigaOS 3.2.1:

  • Fixes to almost every single gadget and image class
  • Fix to clipboard.device that since AmigaOS 3.1.4 would not handle clips above 16KB in some cases
  • Important fix to locale.library that would convert signed values to unsigned
  • New IconEdit with support for colorful icons (like the “GlowIcons”)
  • TextEdit has gained an ARexx port per open document
  • ShowConfig had its GUI reworked, and can now make reports in AmigaGuide format
  • The RAM disk linking feature have been changed a bit so it seems more like AmigaOS 3.1.4 while still being copy on read as in AmigaOS 3.2
  • Dropping files on console will now activate the console window
  • The screen will no longer remain black if you start up without any attached drive
  • Eject menu item in Workbench;

... And much more you will find listed in the release-notes.

AmigaOS 3.2.1 Roms
No new ROM images are provided, you do not need any new ROMS. If you are already using some kind of MapROM solution or would like us to reburn your existing ROMS (free of charge, just postage back) then go ahead. But it is possible that more ROM changes be rolled out in AmigaOS 3.2.2 so for for now use the file-based update instead using the link above.  

AmigaOS 3.2.2 (Released March 2023)

AmigaOS 3.2.2 is available free of charge from the Hyperon website for those that have registered their copy of AmigaOS 3.2 via the Hyperon website. Here are the highlights of the new features and fixes of AmigaOS 3.2.2:  
AmigaOS 3.2.2 Roms
3.2.2 is a good step upgrade and it is recommended when you upgrade to 3.2.2 you also upgrade your roms to 3.2.2.   NOTE: All roms are now 3.2.2 and if A1200 roms are slected will also have ehide.device   We are proud to be an official Hyperion reseller.
£41.66 Ex. VAT Select options
Greaseweazle v4.1 Amiga Amstrad, Spectrum
Greaseweazle V4.1 USB Floppy Adapter Flux Reader Writer

Greaseweazle v4.1 allows versatile floppy drive control over USB. By extracting the raw flux transitions from a drive, any disk format can be captured and analysed - PC, Amiga, Amstrad, PDP-11, musical instruments, industrial equipment, and more. The Greaseweazle also supports writing to floppy disks, from a range of image file formats including those commonly used for online preservation (ADF, IPF, DSK, IMG, HFE)


Greaseweazle V4.1 is the latest version, updated for mass production and with the following features:

  • Reads and writes 3", 3.5", 5.25", 8" disks (with suitable drive and cable)
  • Buffered outputs, for communicating with older 5.25" and 8" disk drives
  • Integrated power connector for directly powering most 3.5" disk drives
  • Write-enable jumper can be removed for safer preservation of precious vintage disks
  • Supports flippy-modded 5.25" drives
  • Supports Disk-Change detection as used by Rob Smith's integration into the WinUAE Amiga emulator
  • 3 user-definable outputs (eg. 8" interface REDWC signal)
  • 100% factory tested, and tested again by me before shipping

More information and documentation on the wiki page here:

This listing is for the Greaseweazle V4.1 device only. And does not include which you will require:

  • A disk drive (for example a PC 3.5" or 5.25" drive)
  • A floppy ribbon cable (typically you want a standard PC cable with 'twist' on pins 10-16, to communicate with a PC floppy drive)
  • Floppy drive power cable, or power supply
  Built by Zero Flux Development. And yes this is the item mentioned on Tom's Hardware:  
£22.49 Ex. VAT Read more
Amiga 600 recapped polymer capacitors
Amiga A600 Recapping Service (PREMIUM)
Amiga A600 recapping service (Premium) using hybrid polymer capacitors (these never leak again!), all board revisions. NOTE this is NOT a repair service.
  • Check of the board before recapping is begun (any faults found before recapping will be reported back)
  • Removal of existing capacitors (both SMD and radial capacitors).
  • Cleanup and preparation of area.
  • Replace using either Panasonic/Wurth/KEMET polymer capacitors.
  • Retest (Video, Audio, Floppy Boot, CF Card boot).
Want to know more about recapping, check out our FAQ's
Overseas recapping orders
Overseas orders are very welcome and we are able to provide you return shipping costs at the checkout. To do this add any of our recapping services to your shopping basket and then at the checkout simply fill in the billing and shipping form including your telephone and email address (important) and click the 'Request a quote' link. You will receive an email within 24hrs with the shipping cost and you can then proceed with the order by clicking on the 'Complete your order' within the email. There is no need to leave the checkout page open your web browser.  
£45.83 Ex. VAT Select options
Amiga 600 Recapped
Amiga A600 Recapping Service (Standard)
Amiga A600 Recapping Service. All board revisions (1.1,1.3,1.5,2B,2D). NOTE this is NOT a repair service.
  • Check of the board before recapping is begun (any faults found before recapping will be reported back)
  • Removal of existing capacitors (both SMD and radial capacitors).
  • Cleanup and preparation of area.
  • Replace using either Panasonic/Wurth/KEMET capacitors.
  • Retest (Video, Audio, Floppy Boot, CF Card boot).
Want to know more about recapping, check out our FAQ's
Overseas recapping orders
Overseas orders are very welcome and we are able to provide you return shipping costs at the checkout. To do this add any of our recapping services to your shopping basket and then at the checkout simply fill in the billing and shipping form including your telephone and email address (important) and click the 'Request a quote' link. You will receive an email within 24hrs with the shipping cost and you can then proceed with the order by clicking on the 'Complete your order' within the email. There is no need to leave the checkout page open your web browser.    
£29.16 Ex. VAT Select options
Amiga 600 A608 Mini 8Mb Fast Ram Card
Amiga A600 8Mb Fast Ram PCMCIA switchable
Amiga A600 8Mb Fast Ram Card is PCMCIA switchable using a physical jumper to switch from 8Mb to 4Mb Perfect for WHDLoad, Its tiny size makes it the smallest 8Mb fast ram card for the Amiga 600.
  • ON/OFF - You can enable or disable the card.
  • 4Mb/8Mb jumper
PCMCIA Friendly? Benefits of a PCMCIA friendly card is that you can use the PCMCIA slot of the Amiga 600 for:
  • Transferring files from your PC/MAC using the a PCMCIA CF card adaptor
  • Plug in a Ethernet card to transfer files from a PC/MAC via FTP
  • Adding a CD Drive that has a PCMCIA interface
These cards are brand new and perfect in giving your Amiga 600 a little boost but also opens the door to running WHDLoad games. What is WHDLoad? WHDLoad is a a solution where by the user can install hundreds of Amiga games on to a HDD/CF or SD card even if the game originally did not have the option of installing the game on to the internal HDD/CF/SD card. The vast majority of games have already been converted ready to go or you can create them yourself if you have the original game on a floppy disk/s. Also many great Amiga demos have been converted for WHDLoad. It's recommended that you have 2Mb Chip ram via the trapdoor which is available here which is the perfect compliment to the Amiga A600 8Mb fast ram card.   1 Year RTB Warranty.
£44.99 Ex. VAT Add to basket
Amiga 1200 Gotek, FlashFloppy, 3D Printed Mount
Amiga 600 Gotek Drive, Printed Mount, OLED Display and FlashFloppy
Amiga 600 Gotek drive is a great replacement for your failing Amiga 600 floppy drive or you wish to simply replace it with a Gotek drive. These are plug and play in that you simply remove your existing floppy drive and replace it with this unit (you use your existing bracket). 3 new screws will also be supplied to secure the Gotek drive to your Amiga. You will need a USB memory stick (NOT included) with your loaded ADF files.
What are ADF files?
ADF files is the standard Amiga Disk Format for floppy disk images. no different to Sega or Nintendo roms, ADF's are images of Amiga floppy disk games. Not only could you have access to a huge back catalogue of retro Amiga games, but there are still brand new games being released today, for example: Raid over Moscow or Bridge Strike these are all available as ADF files. But you not limited to games or programs, but you have access to tons of Amiga demos (if your into that scene).
What are gotek drives in detail? Read here What is FlashFloppy check out this link Want to know even more about them, checkout's review of them here Also checkout one of our favorite youtube streamers TheGebs24 and her views on the Gotek drive!
£33.33 Ex. VAT Read more
FlashFloppy Gotek OLED Display Header
Amiga 600/1200 Gotek OLED Display Header Only
*This unit is if you already have a FlashFloppy Gotek drive. The Amiga 600/1200 FlashFloppy OLED header unit is the perfect companion for the Amiga 600/1200 Gotek FlashFloppy. It allows easy viewing the current ADF file loaded on the Gotek. This requires zero hacking of your Amiga case. These units are ready built and are very easy to install. What you will receive:
  • 3D Printed Header
  • OLED Display
  • 30cm of cable from the header to the Gotek drive.
£11.66 Ex. VAT Read more
Amiga A600 PiggyBackNot V3 RGB2HDMI
Amiga A600 PiggyBackNot RGB2HDMI 1Mb Expansion
Amiga A600 PiggyBackNot V3 is an Amiga 600 trapdoor expansion that adds 1Mb Chip Ram and also integrates a RGB2HDMI circuit that then allows you to add a Raspberry Pi Zero (not included). The benefit of this upgrade is that it allows you to add a selection of upgrades that plug over the 68000 CPU, for example the 8Mb Mini Fast Ram card the xT 28Mhz, 11Mb Accelerator or the awesome A630 68030, 64Mb accelerator. So you can have HDMI output and the extra fast ram or accelerator in a very tidy package. Specifications:
  • 1MB additional CHIP RAM
  • Implemented RGB2HDMI logics in small CPLD
  • RPI Zero connector
  • Integrated denise adapter on flex ffc cable.
  • RTC Socket (Add a Real Time Clock Chip
  • 3 x Clockports
  • Flexible mHDMI to HDMI FFC cable included!
  • Slim construction, No need to remove the trapdoor cover or replace with one that allows the expansion
  • Module does not interfere with fast ram cards or accelerator cards.
Not included:
  • Raspberry Pi
  • SD Card
  • 3D Printed HDMI Mount
    1 Year RTB Warranty.   A600 PiggyBackNot PCB Colour will vary, Raspberry Pi Zero NOT included.   RGB2HDMI software can be downloaded from here    
£70.83 Ex. VAT Read more
External Gotek Drive Commodore Amiga
External Gotek Drive – All Commodore Amiga Computers
External Gotek drive (new version) with a 0.96" OLED display (5% bigger than the original OLED), rotary control housed in a brand new full metal enclosure made with strong 2mm thick aluminium metal available in 2 colours, Anodised black or Satin cream coating, with plenty of space inside for extra modifications and components.   Fully compatible with the entire Commodore Amiga family of computers including:
  • Amiga A500 & Amiga A500 Plus
  • Amiga A600
  • Amiga A1200
  • Amiga A1000
  • Amiga A1500
  • Amiga A2000
  • Amiga A3000
  • Amiga A4000
  • Amiga 4000T
  What's included?
  • External Gotek full metal case (choice of Anodised black or Satin cream).
  • Internal Gotek Drive with 0.96" OLED Display and rotary control.
  • Flashed with latest version of FlashFloppy.
  • External ribbon from Gotek drive to Amiga External Floppy port (also provides power).
NOTE: You will need to remove the right hex nut on the Amiga to be able to plug the external Gotek in as we use a 25 pin D plug with 2 pins removed, and this needs to be plugged in to the far right.   What are gotek drives in detail? Read here What is FlashFloppy? Check out this link Also checkout one of our favorite youtube streamers TheGebs24 and her views on the Gotek drive!   [hr]  
£108.33 Ex. VAT Select options
AmiKit PiStorm and PiStorm32-Lite CM4
AmiKIT for PiStorm and Pistorm32 (RPi 3A+, CM4 & RPi4 B)
AmiKit for Pistorm and PiStorm32 is a pre-installed full workbench environment for the Commodore Amiga A500 A500 Plus, A600, A1200 and A2000 equipped with a Pistorm A500, Pistorm A600, PiStorm32-Lite or PiStorm32-Lite CM4. The SD card is packed with over 400+ classic Amiga programs and games. This version has been has been optimised for the PiStorm and It transforms your Amiga workbench interface in to a highly colourful, high resolution RTG desktop perfect for any HDMI monitor!! Checkout this video   What you need:
  • AmigaOS 3.2 ADF Files (Licenced AmigaOS 3.2 is available here)
  • AmigaOS 3.2.2 update (available free from Hyperion's website once you register AmigaOS 3.2)
  • AmigaOS hotfix (again available free from Hyperon)
  • Picasso96 drivers from Aminet
  • Internet connection from your Amiga (to register AmiKit on AmiKit Servers) using a PCMCIA WiFi or LAN card, Plipbox etc. There is a 15min demo of Roadshow TCP/IP stack included. 
  • Full HD 1920x1080 monitor (or at least HD 1360x768) for RTG desktop plus a second Amiga monitor for 15kHz native modes like PAL/NTSC (or just one monitor with multiple inputs or a suitable video upscaler like the Indivision AGA MK3 for the A1200 allowing 15kHz modes on modern monitors)

  What's included
  • 64GB MicroSD Card preloaded with AmiKit for PiStorm.
  • Metal case for for 2 SD and 4 microSD cards.
  • MicroSD to SD card adapter.
  • Licence key to register with AmiKit
  [kad_youtube url="" ]   Full installation guide is here including how to register your copy of AmiKit.    

Recommended Specs:

Amiga 1200 with PiStorm32-lite & Raspberry Pi 4B (1GB+ RAM) or CM4 or at least RPi3; with heatsinks + ideally a cooling fan

Minimum Specs:

Amiga 500/600/2000 with PiStorm & Raspberry Pi 3A+ or 3B+ or Zero2W; with heatsinks + ideally a cooling fan

£41.66 Ex. VAT Read more
Amiga Gotek Drive inc Amstrad, Spectrum, Atari, IBM PC
Gotek Drive pre-flashed with FlashFloppy (Generic)
Gotek drive is a inexpensive solution to replace your Commodore Amiga floppy drive (plus many other makes of computers). These are generic units that simply replace your existing floppy drive or put in an external enclosure. The Gotek drive is pre flashed with FlashFloppy which allows it not only to work with the Commodore Amiga, but also Amstrad CPC computers*, Sinclair Spectrum*, Atari and DOS / IBM PC's* You will need a USB memory stick (NOT included) with your loaded ADF files. This Gotek drive will work with all Commodore Amiga computers including:
  • Amiga A500
  • Amiga A500 Plus
  • Amiga A600
  • Amiga A1200
  • Amiga A1000
  • Amiga A1500
  • Amiga A2000
  • Amiga A3000
  • Amiga A4000
  • Amiga 4000T
You can also choose from a selection of add-ons below which include
  • OLED Display instead of the 3 Digit Display
  • Internal Gotek Speaker to hear those floppy sounds!
  • Gotek Rotary knob for easily selecting that game, app or demo
  We also sell Amiga Gotek Drives with 3D printed mounts that fit neatly in your Amiga: Amiga A500 Internal Gotek Drive with OLED Display Amiga A500 Plus Gotek Drive with OLED Display Amiga A600 Internal Gotek Drive with OLED Display Amiga A1200 Internal Gotek Drive with OLED Display   What are gotek drives in detail? Read here What is FlashFloppy? Check out this link Want to know even more about them, checkout's review of them here Also checkout one of our favorite youtube streamers TheGebs24 and her views on the Gotek drive!   *Amstrad / Spectrum or computers with 3" disk drives or old PCs with 5.25" drives and such. You just need the correct floppy IDE or Ribbon connection cables NOT INCLUDED.
£29.99 Ex. VAT Select options
AmigaOS 3.1.4 / 3.2 Amiga A500 / A600 / A2000
AmigaOS 3.2.2 ROM Burning Service for Amiga A500/600/2000
AmigaOS 3.2.2 ROM Burning Service for Amiga A500, A600 & A2000, within this service we will burn the 3.2.2 Kickstart ROM file to a physical kickstart ROM which can be installed in your real Amiga 500/600/2000.
What you will receive:
  • Physical 3.2 Kickstart ROM using the more expensive 27C400 EPROMS.
NOTE NO License is included for AmigaOS 3.2 or any physical media is included, this is purely a burning service, However we are able to supply AmigaOS 3.2 licenced CD-ROM here  
We are proud to be an official Hyperion reseller.  
£12.49 Ex. VAT Add to basket