Amiga A500 Keyboard Membrane
Amiga A500 / A500 Plus Keyboard Membrane (New)
Amiga A500 Keyboard Membrane brand new. If you have issues with your Amiga A500 keyboard with missing keys or missing rows of keys the chances are the membrane needs replacing. The A500 / A500 Plus was supplied with at least 3 different types of keyboard membrane - A version by Samsung had 2 keyboard connectors and these keyboard membranes are NOT compatible.  There are also keyboards made by Cherry (with the C= key instead of the left Amiga key) and by NME (these have red Amiga keys) again this membrane is NOT compatible. This membrane is compatible ONLY with models which have a single keyboard connector - the Mitsumi membranes (part numbers 56 A619A and 56 A619B) both with and without the extra blank / international keys (ie 94 and 96 key versions). If your unsure by all means contact us.   What if you have missing keys or rows of keys on the Keyboard? Try these possible fixes first:
  • Check the keyboard plug is inserted all the way in the connector on the Amiga A500 / A500 Plus mainboard.
  • If it's only 1 or two keys the plunger may need a clean, strip down the keyboard and clean the plunger with some IPA.
  • If it's a whole row of keys missing its a very strong possibility that the membrane on your needs replacing.
  Do let us know if any of the above fixes help you!    
£24.99 Ex. VAT Read more
Refurbished Amiga A500
Refurbished Commodore Amiga 500 Unit

Commodore Amiga A500 – Professionally Refurbished & Recapped

Technical Specifications
  • Motorola 68000 (7.14Mhz) CPU
  • 1Mb Chip Ram
  • 1.3 Kickstart Rom
  • 3.5" Floppy Drive
  • UK Layout Keyboard
What’s included?
  • Professionally refurbished Amiga A500 Unit (excluding mouse and PSU), these are options that can be added.
  What is Refurbished? Each Commodore Amiga A500 mainboard is professionally recapped and deep cleaned using a Ultrasonic cleaner, bathed using deionised water and professional grade PCB/Flux cleaning solution. Once completed it is dried and a full diagnostic test is completed. Each unit is thoroughly inspected make sure the Amiga 500 worked as it did when it first came from the factory back in the 1980’s. Case and keyboard is stripped and cleaned but due to age may show signs of use and age. It can take up to 21 working days for machines to be completed due to the high volume of orders, please take this into account when ordering.   What is Ultrasonic cleaning? Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that uses ultrasound (usually from 20–40 kHz) to agitate a fluid, this fluid is made up for this specific job which is to clean and remove any flux left over from recapping. We use deionised water (deionized depending where your from) and professional grade PCB cleaner. An example of the results: [caption id="attachment_17767" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Amiga Motherboard Before being Recapped & Ultrasonic Cleaned[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_17766" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Refurbished Amiga Motherboard - Recapped & Ultrasonic Cleaned[/caption] Want up add some extras? We want you to have the Amiga you always wanted, and that's why we can offer some great upgrades to your Amiga, for example: Extra fast ram for WHDLoad, Gotek drives etc.   Shipping UK shipping will be via Parcelforce and shipping cost will be calculated the checkout. Worldwide shipping available simply contact us for a shipping quote.    

Images of the Amiga A500 is for illustrative purposes only, each unit will show signs of age and use. If you want photos of the Amiga 500 we have please contact us.

  As these are custom built they can take between 21/28 working days depending on what add-ons are added and workload. So please do not order if you are not able to wait - Deposits are not refundable
£299.99 Ex. VAT Select options
GoDrive1200 Gotek A1200 A500
GoDrive1200 Gotek for Amiga A1200 and A500
GoDrive1200 Gotek for Amiga A1200 and A500 is an upgrade that provides you both the use of your current internal floppy drive in the A1200 and A500 and also have access to a Gotek drive, so have the best of both worlds floppy drive and Gotek drive.   Features:
  • Large 1.3” OLED screen
  • Rotary encoder with switch
  • Activity LED light
  • Drive selector
  • USB socket
  • FlashFloppy Firmware
The unit requires no cutting of the case!!   Notes: Compatible with all Amiga 1200 units however there are exceptions as the A1200 came with different makes of floppy drive so if you have:
  • Mitsumi D357T2,
  • TEAC FD-235HF,
  • Panasonic JU-253-043P
Please ask for a SLIM version, as these drives are too long to fit standard GoDRIvE1200 model. Escom Amiga 1200 If you are owner of ESCOM A1200, GoDRIvE1200 will not work without modifying mainboard and replacing PC-compatible FDD fitted, for Amiga compatible one. There is a wire underneath the floppy connector that is bridging Pin 2 and Pin 34, this simply needs cutting out or de soldered.    
£99.99 Ex. VAT Select options
ACA500 Plus Enclousure/Case Amiga
ACA500Plus Individual Computers Amiga A500 A500 Plus
ACA500plus for the Amiga A500 and A500 Plus is the successor to the popular ACA500. The ACA500plus is an external expansion which is plugged to the left expansion port of your A500 or A500+. There is no need to open the computer at any time. This includes a new revolutionary method that can turn your 512k trapdoor memory expansion into chipram! If your Amiga is equipped with an ECS Agnus chip and said internal 512k memory expansion, you can turn your computer into a 1MByte-Chipram computer, just by selecting a menu item in the configuration menu of the ACA500plus! A lot of stock A500 computers with board revision 6 or higher have this exact configuration. The ACA500Plus houses a MC68HC000 processor clocked at 14.1MHz as standard, This will give your computer more than a double-speed boost. If that's not enough, you can choose overclocking to 21, 28 or even 42MHz. Overclocking success is not guaranteed. By attaching an ACA12xx or Blizzard 12xx accelerator, you can make your A500 faster than a stock A3000. The ACA500plus comes with essential software pre-installed in it's large flash. This includes fully licensed Kickstart versions V1.2 and V1.3 for backwards-compatibility, and Kickstart V3.1. You can install a fresh copy of Workbench 3.1 using the built in installer which is included within the ACA500Plus. All you need is an empty CF card, and you can install OS3.1 with a few key presses. After that's done, you can use the second CF card slot to exchange data with a modern PC: The ACA500plus supports PC-formatted cards and long filenames out of the box, no special installation required. CF cards are handled like hard disks on the Amiga-side. You can use HDtoolbox or HDinsttools - whatever you prefer. Even the two popular 64-bit addressing modes are implemented: Both TD64 and NSD64 command sets are supported, so whatever your preferred filesystem requires, you can use it on your ACA500plus setup to access flash cards that are larger than 4GBytes. Speed-wise, the CF card slots are faster than most hard disk controllers that are available for other Amiga computers. The ACA500plus even outperforms the SCSI controller of an A3000! Many users will want to use the ACA500plus with the popular WHDload software, which lets you install games on CF cards instead of swapping floppy disks if you want to play a different game. WHDload lists the 68010 processor as a minimum requirement for using the Quit-key and return to the Amiga's Workbench. The ACA500plus has special circuitry that lets you use the WHDload quit-key at any time, although you "only" have a 68HC000 processor. This is supported by WHDload V17.2 and higher. Advanced floppy control: If your computer has a defective or even a missing floppy drive, the ACA500plus can handle this. With the built-in "boot selector" circuitry, you can turn an external drive into a fully-compatible df0: drive. In addition to that, the floppy control functions allow you to make external drives invisible, although they do not have an off-switch. This saves you the work of (un)plugging drives in order to make older floppy-based software compatible. The ACA500plus features three expansion ports:
  1. A1200-compatible clockport
  2. local 16-bit expansion port
  3. A1200 CPU card connector
The A1200-compatible clockport can be used for expansions that were initially designed for the clockport of the A1200, for example Catweasel MK2, Delfina or RapidRoad. Please note that some drivers may require patching in order to work on a non-A1200 computer. Contact the vendor of your A1200 expansion to find out if they provide such a driver. The fast 16-bit local expansion port is reserved for our network expansion X-Surf-500. The A1200 CPU card connector is meant for further CPU and RAM upgrades. It is guaranteed to work with our ACA1220, ACA1221(ec, lc), ACA1232, ACA1233(n) and ACA1234 models. Our older ACA1230 accelerators are not supported. We will therefore only answer support questions about ACA1220, ACA1221(ec, lc), ACA1232, ACA1233(n) and ACA1234 accelerators. The same applies to old Blizzard accelerators by Phase 5: IComp have done their best to make them work, but there are limits to what we can do. Please keep in mind that the A500 is a 16-bit architecture, and the Blizzard accelerators have been developed for the 32-bit architecture of the A1200. Another new feature of the ACA500plus is it's capability to make use of a real time clock (RTC) that an A1200 accelerator provides. This keeps the clock port of the ACA500plus free for other uses. Further, an RTC that is located on the trapdoor expansion of your A500 can be used. This kind of flexibility was not available on the predecessor ACA500. With all these expansions, certain software may be incompatible. However, this is not a reason to unplug the ACA500plus, as it features an advanced cloaking mode that lets you downgrade the computer to standard memory configurations with minimal expansions (like Action Replay) or even no expansions at all, your choice of Kickstart ROM, running at the original 7MHz speed. Even if your computer does not have an internal 512k trapdoor memory expansion, the ACA500plus can not only add this, but even emulate the cycle-exact speed of the internal expansion with the same slow-down effects that an internal memory expansion has. In other words: There is no reason to unplug the ACA500plus at any time.   Package includes:
  • ACA500plus with DisMo, 68HC000, 8MB RAM, 8MB Flash
  • Short instruction manual German/English
  Software included in the flash ROM:
  • Kickstart V1.2, V1.3, V3.1
  • Full OS3.1 disk set with fully automatic installer
  • Action Replay 3 (patched for ACA500plus)
  • HRTmon
  • Thor's 040/060 libraries as resident modules
  • Thor's mmu and memory libraries
  • Network software, TCP/IP Stack for X-Surf-500
  Enclosure/Case is NOT included but available as an option.   Note: ** We don't support or advise the use of the Meanwell PSU or its variants unless its an original Amiga PSU l that has been recapped (better), AT PSU or the CA-PSU. The primary reason is the PSU is the heart of the Amiga and reading the Individual Computers forum, the PSU is the 2nd item to question if there are issues. The number one issue is the socket on the Indivision is not pushed down enough as it does require a lot of pressure. Full explanation regarding the PSU is here   If you have any questions just contact us  
£141.66 Ex. VAT Select options
AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual English Edition
AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual Book English Edition
AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual English Edition features clear explanations of the basics and advanced functions of AmigaOS 3.2 and valuable insights into the Amiga system, from A to Z. A comprehensive goto guide to the Commodore Amiga operating system for beginners, advanced users and professionals, no matter your level, this book has you covered. Spanning around 450 pages from installation on real Commodore Amiga computers but also on emulation platforms like WinUAE and the TheA500 Mini. Even if you a more seasoned Amiga user, a large section is dedicated to Shell, the command line interface of AmigaOS. The book covers new commands including practical examples in addition to shortcuts and startup scripts. Also covered is ARexx and script control for the advanced users.
  • Installation on Classic Amiga, Emulation and Mini
  • Installation of the Kickstart ROMs in all Amigas
  • Basics of the operating system
  • System optimization with Prefs
  • Using tools, utilities and commodities correctly
  • The shell: All commands explained in detail
  • Power users: Scripts, ARexx and Co.
  • Next steps: Internet, data transfer and USB
  • Amiga expansion: hardware and software
  • Service: Tips and tricks, shortcuts, glossary and much more.
  Delivery time: October 2024  
£34.99 Ex. VAT Read more
Amiga PSU DUO Amiga A500-600-1200 and CD32
Commodore Amiga PSU for 2 x A500/600/1200 (DUO EDITION)
Commodore Amiga PSU DUO EDITION for 2 x A500/A600/A1200, up to 8A at 5VDC strong, adjustable PSU for regular and accelerated Commodore Amiga A500, A500+, A600, A1200. The new Amiga PSU DUO Edition is a modern, 50W strong replacement power supply unit for Commodore Amiga computer systems.provides stable, filtered, adjustable 5VDC (up to 8.0A), 12VDC (up to 0.5A) and -12VDC (up to 0.15A) by industrial grade components. Now your Vampire, Blizzard, ACA or TF536 accelerator will get enough juice to work flawlessly with full MHz clocks. Factory trimmed for stock Amiga 500 reference load, may be adjusted to give exact 5VDC with 2-3x heavier loads.
Key features:
  • 2  x A500 A500+ A600 A1200 compatible (rectangular 5pin DIN plug)
  • Stabilized, double protected +5VDC up to 8.0A rated output (total, 4A per channel max)
  • Stabilized +12VDC up to 1.2A rated output (0.6A per channel max)
  • Stabilized -12VDC up to 0.15A rated output
  • Trim potentiometer for 5VDC fine adjustments (5-5.5V range) common for both outputs
  • Double over current protection, individual for each output
  • Durable main AC power On/Off switch
  • Set of LED status indicators (green 5VDC, yellow 12VDC, blue -12VDC)
  • Eco friendly design: consumes ~20% less power compared to original PSU set
  • Configurable set of detachable output cables. Versions for regular Amiga 500/600/1200 or CD32/A590 are available (1.6 m length)
  • Detachable input AC cable allowing you to use your own desired cable length (cable included)
  • Weight only 0.3 KG
  • Universal AC input range to support all worldwide power standards (accepts 110-240 VAC)
  • Meets safety standards: UL60950-1, TUV EN60950-1, ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1, TUV EN60601-1, IEC60601-1
  • UK Stock
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Warning! Risk of electrical shock and energy hazard when opened. All failures should be examined by a qualified technicians only. Risk of fire or electrical shock. The ventilation holes should be protected from foreign objects or dripping liquids. Please do not install power supplies in places with high ambient temperature or close to the heat source. Enclosed power supplies are intent to work in indoor locations, it's not allowed to use power supplies outdoor, in dust or high moisture. Output current and output wattage must not exceed the rated values. This replacement Amiga PSU has been designed for Commodore Amiga 1200 vintage computer systems only and should be considered as an integral component of Amiga computer system. Do not connect to any other devices as it's not a general purpose PSU. Manufacturer is not responsible for any consequences of unauthorised or arbitrary repairs, modifications or incorrect usage. Please notice that new, properly working replacement Amiga PSU is reducing the system's potential fail rate but still is not guaranteeing that entire Amiga system will work correctly (it's >30 years old).  
£83.33 Ex. VAT Add to basket
AmigaOS 3.1.4 / 3.2 Amiga A500 / A600 / A2000
AmigaOS 3.2.1 ROM Burning Service for Amiga A500/600/2000
AmigaOS 3.2.1 ROM Burning Service for Amiga A500, A600 & A2000, within this service we will burn the 3.2.1 Kickstart ROM file to a physical kickstart ROM which can be installed in your real Amiga 500/600/2000.
What you will receive:
  • Physical 3.2.1 Kickstart ROM
NOTE NO License is included for AmigaOS 3.2.1 or any physical media is included, this is purley a burning service, However we are able to supply AmigaOS 3.2. licenced CD-Rom here
The Process:
This service requires proof of your purchase of AmigaOS 3.2.1 a screenshot of a receipt will be fine. Please note ONLY customers who already bought AmigaOS 3.2.1 can purchase this service. If the buyer is unable to provide proof of the purchase the transaction will be canceled and funds will be refunded minus any processing fees (if Paypal was used to purchase this service).
Providing Proof:
We have provided a very easy way to upload proof of ownership below, simply upload a screenshot of confirmation using the upload tool below.
We are proud to be an official Hyperion reseller.  
£8.33 Ex. VAT Select options
Keyrah V3 for Commodore Amiga, Atari ST & PC
Keyrah V3 – Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, PC
Keyrah V3 allows you to connect original keyboards of classic computer systems like the Commodore 64 or the Amiga 1200 to modern computers (e.g. PC, Mac, or the Raspberry Pi) via USB. It also supports digital joysticks and analogue paddles of such classic systems, which will be converted to standard HID game controllers. Supported systems with this model are:
  • Commodore C64 (all models)
  • Commodore SX-64
  • Commodore VIC-20 (VC20)
  • Commodore C16
  • Commodore C128D
  • Amiga 1200
  • Amiga 600
  • Amiga 500
  • Amiga 4000/CDTV
  • Atari ST (8-pin connector only)
  • PC XT / PC AT (with PS/2 adapter)
The following systems can be made compatible by mounting additional connectors on the circuit board or using adapters:
  • Commodore C128
  • Commodore C116
  • Commodore plus/4
  • Commodore PET (8296)
  • Commodore CBM2 (B-Series)
  • Amiga 2000/3000 (with PS2 adapter)
Keyrah V3's switch allows you to switch between the standard and a keymap that's geared towards emulation. This switch looks and feels like the original power switch of the Commodore 64, adding a third switch position that allows you to send an ACPI signal to shut down/power up your computer. To avoid triggering the shutdown procedure by accident, this third position is not locked, so the switch will always flip back from it if not held in place. For further safety, the ACPI signal is only sent to the computer after being held in this position for five seconds. The box includes the Keyrah V3 circuit board and a printed manual. USB cable is not included. PCB colour will vary.
£49.99 Ex. VAT Add to basket
Amiga 500 Case Badge - PiStorm
Amiga 500 Case Badge – PiStorm Tick
Amiga 500 Case Badge - PiStorm Tick brand new, perfect replacement for any A500 or A500 Plus case. These are high quality prints finished off in a 3D gel, long lasting and look very smart! Smarten up your Amiga 500 case!
£4.16 Ex. VAT Read more
CA-PSU Commodore Amiga Individual Computers
CA-PSU Amiga A500, A500 Plus, A600, A1200
CA-PSU Amiga A500, A500 Plus, A600, A1200 (CA-PSU stands for Compact Amiga Power Supply Unit), where "compact" designates the three target computers A500, A600 and A1200. It is the first power supply on the market that fully complies with the original Commodore specifications, introducing cable drop compensation for best regulation that even settles the voltage drop in the input filter of the target computers. This means that the voltage on the main 5V rail will never deviate more then 0.9%, measured inside the computer - no matter if the computer is in vanilla configuration or heavily expanded. Conventional power supplies will either supply too-high voltage to a vanilla machine, or too-low voltage to an expanded machine, causing malfunction or even defects. This cannot happen with our cable drop compensation technology. Technical data in short:
  • 5V, 5A, ripple/noise 50mV max. (typically 30mV)
  • Overload on 5V tolerated up to 8A for 30 seconds
  • 5V load regulation <0.6% typical, max. 0.9% under overload condition
  • 12V up to 4A
  • -12V, 0.1A
  • Modern, high-efficiency DC-DC converter technology
  • Total output power up to 60W
  • Fanless, silent, extremely low heat
CA-PSU is a two-brick solution: One mains-connected power brick and the CA-PSU converter box with the switch and square 5-pin DIN connector to the computer. This moves the power switch a lot closer to the computer, reducing the probability of inadvertent switching, for example if the power supply is under the table near your feet. CA-PSU has the best overall efficiency on the market, with a worst-case efficiency of 80.1% (best case >82.5%). The best competing product peaks at just over 70%, and some original Commodore power supplies have an efficiency of only 55%. This means that with our CA-PSU, there's less total heat, less power consumption and a longer life expectancy because there is less stress on the components. Naturally, CA-PSU features over-voltage protection - every modern power supply does. We wouldn't consider it worth mentioning, but this protection is part of a more complex block to protect your valuable classic gear: There are two critical moments that need to be taken care of: Switching on and off. CA-PSU has a controlled 5V ramp-up when switching on, ensuring safe power-up of heavily-expanded machines. Traditional power supplies without such a controlled start-up ramp tend to "swing in" to the target voltage, which might cause malfunction or even defects. Further, switching off will start a short timer, ensuring that the next switch-on event can't happen until a few seconds after switching off. This ensures that capacitors in the computer and expansion gear are sufficiently discharged, and switching on won't cause 3.3V regulators of modern expansions to oscillate, which may cause severe damage. In the unlikely event that these elaborate precautions fail, CA-PSU is covered by a German product liability insurance. This new production run of CA-PSU includes an international power brick that directly plugs into the socket (no mains cable). International adapters included are:
  • Central Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • USA
CA-PSU is compatible with worldwide grid voltages and frequencies (110-240V AC and 50 or 60Hz).  
£66.66 Ex. VAT Add to basket
Amiga A500 A500 Plus New Case Beige
Amiga A500 Case A500 Plus Brand New Beige
Amiga A500 A500 Plus case brand new beige case from These Amiga A500 cases allow you to fit an original Amiga A500 motherboard or A500 Plus motherboard, a perfect case replacement for damaged or aged cases. However these cases are not just a tribute to a classic machine but also take into account some of the modern innovations that have been designed for these computers over the last few years!   Enhanced Design Features for Ultimate Convenience Firstly, experience the convenience of the enhanced design features. The cases include a new right side trapdoor, allowing for easy access to HDMI using the RGB2 HDMI adaptor, USB, and Micro SD Cards. Additionally, a rear trapdoor is available for RJ45 adapters, enhancing your connectivity options. Furthermore, the cases possess robust metal threads for screws and offer extra metal threaded mounts, compatible with Raspberry Pi and Apollo V4 SA boards.   What’s Included in Your Amiga 500 Case Box
  • 1x Amiga 500 Case (Top & Bottom Shells)
  • 1x Custom A500 Case badge (metal)
  • 1x Bottom Trap Door with vents
  • 2x Rear Trap Doors (RJ45 & Plain)
  • 2x Right Side Trap Doors (I/O Ports & Plain)
  • 1x Left Side Trap Door
  • 4x Pads + 1x Floppy button
  • 6x Screws
  Amiga 1354 Tank Mouse Replacement Shell   Further services: Simply contact us if you have any requests or questions    
£66.66 Ex. VAT Read more
Amiga PSU Boost A500 - A500 Plus
Commodore Amiga PSU for A500 A500 Plus (BOOST VERSION)
Commodore Amiga PSU for A500 or A500 Plus BOOST VERSION, up to 8A at 5VDC strong, adjustable PSU for regular and accelerated Commodore Amiga A500, A500+, A600, A1200. The new Amiga PSU BOOST is a modern, 50W strong replacement power supply unit for Commodore Amiga computer systems. Based on our famous Amiga DUO/DUO+ PSU experiences provides stable, filtered, adjustable 5VDC (up to 8.0A), 12VDC (up to 0.5A) and -12VDC (up to 0.15A) by industrial grade components. Now your Vampire, Blizzard, ACA or TF536 accelerator will get enough juice to work flawlessly with full MHz clocks. Factory trimmed for stock Amiga 500 reference load, may be adjusted to give exact 5VDC with 2-3x heavier loads.
Key features:
  • Commodore Amiga 500, 500+, 600, 1200 compatible
  • Stabilized & filtered 5VDC up to 8A output (peak)
  • Stabilized & filtered 12VDC up to 0.5A output
  • Stabilized & filtered -12VDC up to 0.15A output
  • 5VDC manual adjustment feature (potentiometer)
  • Factory calibrated for stock Amiga 500 reference load
  • Active & passive over voltage protections for main +5VDC line
  • Over current protection for all output lines
  • Integrates Protection & Adjustment LED Module add-on
  • Fully isolated & fused on AC side
  • Durable power On/Off switch (black)
  • Status LED (Good Status Green)
  • Long output cable (1.8m) with rectangular DIN 5-pin plug
  • Detachable input AC cable for all versions (cable included)
  • Weight only 0.4 KG (2x less than original PSU)
  • UK Stock
Warning! Risk of electrical shock and energy hazard when opened. All failures should be examined by a qualified technicians only. Risk of fire or electrical shock. The ventilation holes should be protected from foreign objects or dripping liquids. Please do not install power supplies in places with high ambient temperature or close to the heat source. Enclosed power supplies are intent to work in indoor locations, it's not allowed to use power supplies outdoor, in dust or high moisture. Output current and output wattage must not exceed the rated values. This replacement Amiga PSU has been designed for Commodore Amiga 1200 vintage computer systems only and should be considered as an integral component of Amiga computer system. Do not connect to any other devices as it's not a general purpose PSU. Manufacturer is not responsible for any consequences of unauthorised or arbitrary repairs, modifications or incorrect usage. Please notice that new, properly working replacement Amiga PSU is reducing the system's potential fail rate but still is not guaranteeing that entire Amiga system will work correctly (it's >30 years old).  
£66.66 Ex. VAT Add to basket