We are excited to share we will be attending the Kickstart Amiga Expo in Nottingham on the 1st July 2023. full details here
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We are excited to share we will be attending the Kickstart Amiga Expo in Nottingham on the 1st July 2023. full details here
AmigaOS 3.2.2 has now been released!
This is a FREE update for those that have purchased 3.2 and registered the licence with Hyperon.
Still on the fence, checkout the updates below:
Already have AmigaOS 3.2 and want 3.2.2 roms?
You have been asking and what a great start to 2023! Pistorm32-Lite are now available in 2 flavours, 1 is for those you like to have a tinker and setup it up from scratch and the other is a complete PiStorm32-Lite bundle that you simply plug in to the expansion port of the A1200 and add a few files to an SD card (workbench and a kickstart rom). full details below!
Pistorm32-Lite Amiga A1200 Adaptor only
Pistorm32-Lite Amiga A1200 Bundle Includes Adaptor, RPi 3A+ and 32Gb SD Card (EMU68k)
Pistorm32-Lite Amiga A1200 CM4 Bundle with breakout for HDMI, USB and SD Card
Have fun!
Simply swap over your current CPU card (3630, Cyberstorm) and replace with the BFG9060.
Amiga Mainboard Jumpers
It is very important for the motherboard jumpers to be set correctly as per the tables below depending on what Amiga you have.
Amiga 4000D and A4000T
J100 | J104 |
1-2 (INT) | 1-2 (INT) |
Amiga 3000D, A3000T and Replicas
J100 | J102 | J103 | J104 |
1-2 (25 MHz) | 2-3 (INT) | 3-4 (ON) | 1-2 (INT) |
BFG9060 Jumpers
JP1 determines the clock frequency the card is working at. There are two jumpers, S0 and S1 (see image below), each consists of 3 pins 0, M, & 1.
Both jumpers can have 3 different jumper settings
The following table shows how JP1 has to be set for the supported effective CPU frequencies.
Note that the the frequencies differ between 68060 and 68040 CPUs. The 68040 divides the set frequency by 2 internally, thus the effective frequency is always half that of the 68060 with the same setting of JP1.
68060 CPU | S0 | S1 | Notes |
25 MHz | 0-M | M-1 | Fast RAM will not be usable |
50 MHz | M-1 | M-1 | DEFAULT |
75 MHz | M-1 | Open | 68060 REV6 required |
100 MHz | M-1 | 0-M | 68060 REV6 required with heatsink and fan! |
To get the best performance, you will have to install the (mmu.library) available from https://aminet.net/package/util/libs/MMULib. And add the following line to the MMU-Configuration found in ENVARC:MMU-configuration:
SetCacheMode from 0x08000000 size 0x08000000 Valid CopyBack
Caching of Z3 is now enabled:
RAM-Cards, like BigRam or the Z3-Fastlane could not be cached and lost a lot of performance. You can enable caching for them via mmu.library now. If you have Z3-IO cards you want to disable caching.
MMU-library configuration would look like this:
Enable caching: For SetCacheMode {base} {size} Valid CopyBack
Disable caching: For SetCacheMode {base} {size} CacheInhibit NonSerial Imprecise
A working MMU configuration is available for download here