Our new Forum!

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RetroPassion Forum

We felt it was time to create an Amiga forum, however we are well aware there are of some great Amiga focused forums, we wanted to create one to provide support and pre-sales advice for all things RetroPassion. we have a great community and the forum is the place to be.

If you already have an account with us when you purchased an item, it will be the same username and password as โ€˜My Accountโ€™ but we also enabled registering using Facebook and of course Email and Password.

It is in BETA so bare with us as we may make changes etc.



See you at Kickstart 03 BBQ!

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Kickstart Amiga User Group

We will be attending the Kickstart 03 Amiga User Group BBQ this Saturday! See you there!

Who are Kickstart?

Kickstart is an Amiga user group, formed in December 1997 by Rob Gilbert.

We are a user group for all Amiga users, or those just wanting to know more about the platform. It doesnโ€™t matter if you are an expert with every machine in the range, or just a single computer owner trying to learn more or just having fun with a 500 Mini, everyone is welcome at one of our meets and as members of the group. For everyone looking to learn or needing help with a problem, weโ€™ll have someone who can share their knowledge with you. Itโ€™s all part of the fun with the Amiga!

We had our initial meeting in March 1998 and never looked back. With over 70 full members at our height, Kickstart used to meet every last Monday of the month at Brook Hall in Ottershaw, Surrey. The hall is still there (now known as Ottershaw Village Hall) and is still our regular home for Kickstart meets.

After over seven years of group meets and running four of our own successful Amiga shows, Kickstart went on hiatus by the mid 2000s โ€“ as did much of the Amiga world.

However, with interest in the platform so strong, Kickstart is back and restarted its regular meetings on Sunday 15th October 2023. A whole programme of meets and activities has followed that already covers all of 2024. Whether you are a โ€œKickstart Originalโ€ coming back, or new to our club, we canโ€™t wait to see you there!

See us atโ€ฆ

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We will be attending Revival: Game Not Over 2024 at Wolverhampton Racecourse on Saturday 8th June 2024 (it also open Sunday 9th June, however we will only be there on the Saturday). We will be with our friends at SWAG (South West Amiga Group).

Revival Game Not Over 2024
Revival Game Not Over 2024

There will be so much to do including:

โ€“ Over 100 playable retro consoles and computers
โ€“ A superb FREE PLAY classic arcade with pinball machines
โ€“ Special guest talks from industry names and developers
โ€“ More stage and show floor competitions with great prizes
โ€“ New dedicated special interest zones
โ€“ Large screen multiplayer experiences and system link-ups
โ€“ A large selection of traders offering various retro collectables

Book your tickets here